I am excited to share a few resources I have recently discovered…
These will be added to the resource page of my website: click here to see all the info.
The Lymphedema Podcast…
Betty Westbrook is a CLT based in Texas who began a podcast all about lymphedema. Some of the topics include: What is Lymphedema?, Pregnancy and Lymphedema and Fashion for Lymphedema. She is easy to listen to and explains information clearly. It is an excellent resource for those who want to learn more about lymphedema but wish to listen to information rather than read it. To access podcasts, use the podcast app on apple devices or an alternative podcast player such as Stitcher.
Fluid Running®
A few months ago, I started noticing Fluid Running popping up on some of the lymphatic instagram accounts I follow. Coincidentally, I knew of fluid running from my local pool. It is a local business and Jennifer Conroyd, the founder lives in the same town as I do. She was kind enough to connect with me since it seemed that we were reaching the same kind of people. I learned how Fluid Running can be an excellent exercise option for those with lymphedema It gives a great cardiovascular workout while also providing the compression so beneficial to a compromised lymphatic system. It involves stationary running in a pool using a flotation belt. An app guides you through the workout. Check out the Fluid Running website for more details.
Swollen, Bloated and Puffy
by Kathleen Lisson CMT, CLT
Kathleen sent me this book about a year ago and I have finally gotten to reading it from cover to cover. It is an excellent resource for those who are looking for helpful tips “from proven to CRAZY to reduce swelling and boost the lymphatic system” The topics include: What to put on and in your face and body to reduce swelling; how to have a happy lymphatic system and how to improve your immune system. There are ideas to help with inflammation that you may not get from your traditional medical provider. Her book is available for purchase on amazon. To stay updated with author Kathleen Lisson, follow her on Facebook, and YouTube.
Remember to check out the resource page here for a list of more lymphatic system resources. And don’t forget to connect with me if you have any questions or comments.